Crystal Geode Eggs

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  • Chocolate or candy melts, melted
  • 8 ounces white chocolate, melted
  • Scant 3/4 cup whipping cream, hot
  • Pinch of salt
  • Rock candy in a variety of colours, crushed


    First, make the ganache.
    Combine the white chocolate, salt and whipping cream in a bowl.
    Place in the freezer until thickened, about 1 hour.

    Spread some melted chocolate or candy melts onto the inside of an egg-shaped chocolate mold.
    Place this in the freezer until the chocolate has set.

    Beat the ganache with an electric mixer until it lightens in colour and consistency - it should look whipped and hold stiff peaks.
    Place it into a piping bag fitted with a large, round tip.

    Keep the chocolate eggs in the molds and pipe some ganache onto the inside of the eggs.

    Fill the eggs with rock candy, starting with a dark colour in the middle and working outwards into a lighter colour.

    Transfer the eggs to the freezer for the ganache to stiffen, about 30 minutes.
    Then unmold the eggs and enjoy! Note: it's much easier to unmold the eggs when they are filled with the ganache and rock candy, instead of unmolding just the shells.

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    1. N

      Hi there -- just wanted to say thanks for the recipe.

    2. T

      Just tried this recipe and really loved it.

    3. M

      Loved this recipe! Simple and delicious.

    4. A

      I used your recipe as a starting point and then added a few of my own things.

    5. C

      I've made this several times…so good! it turned out delicous. Thanks for this recipe!!!!

    6. B

      Yum, yum, yum! This recipe looks delicious.

    7. J

      Looking forward to making this tonight

    8. C

      Mmmm lovely

    9. L

      This is one of my husbands favorite things I make. I found your recipe years ago and he still requests it! Thanks!

    10. M

      I love this! So easy to throw together.

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