Mizu Yokan Recipe

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  • 150 grams smooth anko paste (sweetened adzuki bean paste)
  • 3 grams powdered agar agar
  • 300cc milk
  • 250cc water
  • 30 grams sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Kuromitsu (Japanese sugar syrup)


    First, heat up the milk in a saucepan until slightly warm, making sure it doesn't get too hot.

    In a saucepan, combine the agar and water and boil for one minute.

    Add in anko paste, sugar and salt and mix until dissolved.
    Add in milk.

    While still warm, pour into individual molds.
    Once it has cooled down, put in refrigerator until firm.

    Serve with kuromitsu if desired.

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    1. S

      This is my go-to recipe

    2. M

      This recipe is amazing!

    3. V

      I will be making this again! Thanks for sharing.

    4. a


    5. A

      Love everything about this recipe. It is easy and super tasty. Thank you

    6. B

      I used your recipe as a starting point and then added a few of my own things.

    7. N

      Love this recipe

    8. J

      Wow! This is amazing. So delicious and so pretty! I'm eating it. So good! Thanks!

    9. J

      I loved it,I made it for a very dear friend and she was impressed

    10. L

      Fabulous recipe

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